Daddy Daughter Dance

Timber Trail Elementary 690 W Castle Pines Pkwy, CASTLE PINES, CO, United States

COST: $30 per couple (1 ticket = 1 daddy & daughter); $5 for each additional daughter if purchased online by February 6th.  $40 at the…

Virtual Spirit Week–Superhero Day

SUPERHERO DAY: Dress like your favorite superhero in honor of all of the emergency workers who are sacrificing each day to keep us safe and…

Virtual Spirit Week–Pajama Day

PAJAMA DAY: Take a picture in your jammies with your pet or favorite stuffed animal (maybe put a stuffed bear in your window to surprise…

Virtual Spirit Week–Jersey Day

JERSEY DAY: Wear the colors of your favorite team that you cannot watch or a jersey for a team you cannot play on (Family DodgeBall/…

PTO Meeting

ZOOM Virtual Online Meeting

All are invited to attend our monthly PTO meeting to find out what's happening around the school.  This will be a virtual ZOOM meeting. Please…